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How to perform a training needs analysis

We'll show you how to perform a training needs analysis, and give insights into the benefits of the assessment before you start developing your new eLearning!

How to Perform a Knowledge Check

Knowledge checks help identify training material that works – that changes employee behavior and improves company KPIs – vital to any eLearning ecosystem.

Tips & Techniques to Guide Your eLearning Team to Success

Follow our tips to guide your eLearning team to success when creating SCORM courses, gathering training content, designing eLearning modules, and more!

How to Repurpose Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

When auditing your training library, take a strategic approach to repurpose instructor-led training by following our best practices to move your ILT content online.

3 Essential Elements of Successful SCORM Course Design

When creating eLearning, SCORM course design matters impacting usability, accessibility, engagement, and retention — all which lead to improved outcomes.

What You Need to Know to Convert Your Flash Courses to HTML5

Do you still have eLearning created with Adobe Flash? Convert your online Flash courses to HTML5 — learn how and why to update your online training library.

7 Effective eLearning Strategies For Any Industry

Effective eLearning is more than great design and training content. Try these seven strategies that ensure effective eLearning for any industry... including yours!

7 Visual Design Tips for New eLearning Designers

Great training content requires great visual design. We've compiled 7 helpful tips for new eLearning designers to create gorgeous and effective online training.

How & Why to Provide Meaningful Learner Feedback in eLearning

Meaningful learner feedback helps learners correct errors, see their progress, and deepen their learning. Learn how to build feedback into your online training.

Learner Personas: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Creating learner personas based on characteristics of your target learners increases training relevance leading to improved training outcomes and engagement.

Our 10 Best eLearning Design Tips for New Instructional Designers

Even if you’re a new instructional designer, our 10 best eLearning design tips will ensure that your online training program will be both engaging and effective.

How to Choose the Right Learning Consultant for Your Training Program

A qualified learning consultant can be crucial to getting your training program started. Follow these tips when choosing a learning consultant.
The Marketing Team

Create Effective eLearning Quizzes

Your eLearning quizzes should do more than mark completion of training. Learn how to create effective eLearning quizzes or how to fix your existing quizzes!
Pamela S. Hogle

Why eLearning Quality Assurance Matters

A thorough QA process ensures excellence and enforces standards. Learn how a 3-stage eLearning quality assurance process fuels your success.
Letícia de Aquino

15 Ways to Improve Your Quiz Questions

When creating your eLearning course, don't overlook your quiz. Read our top 15 ways to improve your quiz questions using instructional design best practices!
Pamela S. Hogle

Training Simulations Engage and Empower Employees

Short training simulations offer a way to create engaging content that aligns learning with key business goals and illustrates the expected results.
Pamela S. Hogle

Leveraging Learning Theories in eLearning

Leveraging learning theories when developing your training courses can help you produce encapsulating, goal-focused, performance-driven eLearning content.
Brendin Charles

Use the Power of Storytelling to Engage Learners

User the power of storytelling to revise information-dense instructional content into a narrative framework can liven the content and boost learner engagement!

Boost Training Outcomes with Concise, Clear, and Conscious Content

Boost training outcomes with clear and concise content accessible to all learners, and engage them with learning, rather than causing frustration.

Crafting eLearning from Instructor-Led Content

Turning instructor-led training into eLearning courses is a necessity of innovating in the world today. Follow these best practices to take your content online.

Strong Visual Design Sets Up eLearning Success

Great instructional design needs strong visual design. Following design best practices for online courses sets up your eLearning and your learners for success.
Pamela S. Hogle

Tailor Your eLearning with Our Instructional Design Tips

Bespoke eLearning will suit your learners and your organization, rather than forcing all learners into an off-the-shelf solution that doesn’t fit.

Is Your Instructor-Led Training in Turmoil?

Instructor-led training and education are pivoting to remote online learning; choose the team of experts at Flare Learning to get your content online quickly!

Improve Training Content with eLearning Storyboards

Use these tips and tricks to create effective eLearning storyboards that will help you improve the efficiency of your online training course creation processes!

Engage Adult Learners with Multimodal eLearning

Ditch generational stereotypes and ask: what do adult learners really want? Why should we care? How can we deliver engaging, effective training? Find out!

Navigating Your eLearning Feedback Journey

eLearning program development is a journey. But with help, we'll show you how to navigate your eLearning feedback and reach your destination successfully.

eLearning 101: The eLearning Retention Resolution

eLearning 101: Don't let your content delivery platform and engaging online courses go to waste; it’s time to focus on the “eLearning retention resolution.”

Go Beyond Available to Accessible eLearning

You've moved your training online but what good is it if it's not accessible due to impairments? Our expertise extends to accessible eLearning for everyone!

eLearning Revolution: Start With "Why"

Starting an eLearning revolution with a goal of betterment is fine, however, we'll help you push past generic reasons and show you how to start with "why."

Five Tips for Successfully Working with Subject Matter Experts

Using these five tips to successfully work with Subject Matter Experts, you'll optimize your eLearning project management, process flow, and build credibility.

eLearning 101: The Learner Engagement Enigma

eLearning 101: Now that you’ve selected a LMS, how can you get your learners to engage with these materials? We call this the “learner engagement enigma”.

Storyline Magic Tricks Revealed!

Learn ‘magic’ Articulate Storyline tricks and features to create training that looks modern, engages learners, and displays your content in more creative ways.

Blended Learning Recipes for Satisfying Training

Find the right blended learning recipe to help diversify your training program to suit learners' needs, drive results, and get the most of your training dollars

The 4P’s of eLearning Project Management

Using the 4P’s of eLearning Project Management, your organization will create effective online training and drive a positive experience for all stakeholders.

eLearning 101: The Content Delivery Quandary

eLearning 101: What aspects of online content delivery should you think about to get your lessons to learners? We call this the "content delivery quandary".

Life After Adobe Flash

With the depreciation of Adobe Flash in 2020, it's the perfect opportunity to audit your eLearning and revitalize your online training program, as you update.